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Auto Repair Mistakes to Avoid

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Auto Repair in Kent, OHAt Van’s Tires & Service, we’ve been doing auto repairs in Kent, OH for a long time. As you can imagine, we’ve seen a lot over the years...and a lot of automotive problems that were 100 percent avoidable. Here are a few examples of how you can head off a lot of trouble for yourself and avoid spending unnecessary money on auto repair in Kent, OH. 

Don’t neglect routine preventive maintenance. That means staying on top of things like regular oil changes, transmission flushes, cooling system service and belts and hoses, all routine items for auto repair in Kent, OH. All these things cost under $100, and while that may seem a bit high on the front end, consider the alternative; a rebuilt transmission, radiator replacement or engine rebuild that could range from a few hundred dollars to couple of thousand dollars or more. Spend a little now, or a lot later.

Don’t ignore problems. If you’re hearing weird noises from under the hood or from a wheel, that’s not good. If your Check Engine light is on, that’s not good either. Don’t just presume these things are going to go away on their own -- it’s easier to arrest a problem with auto repair in Kent, OH at Stage 1 than at Stage 5. Would you ignore it if you were feeling persistent chest pains? Not likely.

Communicate with your auto tech and service advisor. When it comes to auto repair in Kent, OH, some problems are easy to diagnose and track down, while others can be much trickier. The more information you can pass on to a service advisor, the easier his job will be and (hopefully) the less time the tech will spend trying to nail down what’s wrong with your car. Does your car vibrate at 50 mph, but not at 35 mph? Do you smell something when the engine is hot, but not before it warms up? Do you notice a roughness or stumble when the engine is cold, but not when it warms up? Let the service advisor know.

Don’t drive on fumes. In the 70s and 80s, most cars still had carburetors and a mechanical fuel pump that was driven by the engine itself. Now, most cars are equipped with an electric fuel pump that’s situated in the gas tank. Gasoline may not seem like a very slippery substance, but modern fuel pumps and fuel systems rely on gasoline to cool and lubricate moving parts. Running out of fuel can let those parts run dry, leading to a possible (expensive) fuel pump replacement. Keep your fuel above ¼ tank if possible.

The good news is that today’s cars are much more reliable and efficient than in the past. As much as you may have loved your 60s or 70s ride, it was unusual to get more than 130,000 miles out of most cars in those days. Today, with regular maintenance and auto repair in Kent, OH, it’s not unusual to go 200,000 miles or more with proper maintenance.

When it comes time for preventive maintenance and auto repair in Kent, OH, Van’s Tires & Service wants to be your first call! We’ve got qualified, experienced techs who can help give your car the kind of care it needs to stay on the road for a long time to come.

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